Ragarding Nail Fungus
Nail fungus is an infection that affects the nail bed and it is caused by fungus ( dermatophyte )
The fungus is multiplied on the feet quickly, as it finds the perfect environment for it to grow. ( daily and long hours of using shoes )
The main characteristics of Nail Fungus are:
– The change of colour, initially yellow and gradually dark green
– The change of the thickness of the nail (Hyperkeratosis )
Nail Fungus after the surgery – Nails that peel off and are fragile.
-The occurrence of pain due to the thickening of the nail and the pressure coming from the shoes.
Great attention is needed to the personal hygiene of the feet, as well as the treatment from specialists with sterilized tools in order to avoid the transmission of the infection to the other nails of the foot.
The infection is treated with antifungal medication from a specialist dermatologist though for a correct and complete cleaning of the nail the person who is qualified is the podοlogist.